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Water for life

 Water Drinking water gives us many health benefits, it is used to flush out toxins from our bodies and cleanse our inner and outer bodies.  If our body is hydrated enough we can reduce the chance of cavities and hair fall.  Drinking enough water will also help you to get more concentration on your daily tasks. Peanut Butter The advantage of eating peanut butter is many, as you know it can help to control the cholesterol level and diabetics, aid to increase weight and its soo yummy too correct? Nutmeg The nutmeg contains a compound called myristicin, so if you eat that in large does it will act as a hallucinogen. Crackers  Everyone likes crakers right? but do you know why the crackers have holes, it is because it will save the crackers from air bubbles. Crackers can also tend to damage your teeth due to their stickiness and increase bacteria in your mouth. Pepper The pepper contains a chemical factor called capsaicin that gives a burn-like feeling, almost all spicy food contains capsai

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